I'm taking a break from today's scheduled Freedom Friday post to do a public service announcement of sorts.
There are 2 issues I wanted to address in this blog post that have more to do with my story and my personality than really the topic of freedom. So bear with me :)
First, you may have noticed that when I write, I speak very matter-of-factly. I think sometimes I likely come across as unfeeling - or even worse, I come across as if I think the things I'm saying are easily done or achieved. That I've somehow "arrived."
That's not it at all.
I'm still growing as a writer and figuring out how to let more of my personality come out in these blog posts. If you've heard me speak, I share lots of personal stories; I'm told I'm good at laughing at myself (I think that's a compliment!). Those things are much easier for me to work in to my teachings as I speak than they are for me to work in to teachings as I type.
That said, I do feel I've written lots of articles (such as Bye Bye Pebble Baby) where I'm pretty free with sharing my life and my heart. I need to go back through and add some personal stories and anecdotes to my Freedom Fridays :)
Second, I am not a superhero. News Flash, I know :) But I do find that some people look at me that way. The reason I am sometimes idealized is the same reason I was drawn to Keith Green during the period of time when I became a believer. I thought Keith Green was awesome, authentic, passionate, had an amazing heart, and he had something I desperately needed. So on that night in January of 1999, I wasn't all that sure what that "something" was, yet my declaration was simple: I want what Keith has.
I know the life I live and the things I have overcome are like a breath of fresh air to many. I have come out of and overcome many thing - big things: same-sex attraction, self-injury, disordered eating, to name a few.
I'm still coming out of and overcoming other things - things that don't seem as "big," but can be far more insidious: selfishness, impatience, envy, greed, resentment, bitterness, entitlement, pride. just to name a few.
I may not be a superhero, but Jesus is. That's what I've been telling my 3 year-old, who is in love with all things superhero. I'm not sure he understands completely, as he still thinks "Jesus died on the crosswalk," but we're working on it.
In all seriousness, though, it's perfectly Biblical to, as Paul said, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ" the original superhero. It's just important to recognize that while I may be further down the journey of freedom than you are, I'm still just a human being, like all believers, who has been empowered to be free by a supernatural God. The promise of the Gospel is life-changing transformation. That's available not just to me, but ALL believers.
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14
If you want what I have, it is available for you. Press on and take hold of it.
Remember that "freedom is not the absence of something; it's the presence of someone." Bob Hamp
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